Not all costs have the same characteristics. Economists talk about fixed and variable costs and distinguish between short- and long-run horizons.
Different costs sway (rational) business decisions in distinct ways.
How do fixed and variable costs differ?
How do short- and long-run costs differ?
How do these differences affect business decisions?
Course Structure Overview
Lecture Structure and Learning Objectives
The Sunk Cost Fallacy (Case Study)
Basic Concepts
A Practical Exercise
Current Field Developments
Learning Objectives
Explain the various types of economic costs.
Describe the relationships between average, marginal, fixed, and total costs.
Explain the concept of short-run costs and its relation to fixed costs.
Describe the relationships between short- and long-run costs.
Apply the new concepts to a practical exercise.
The Sunk Cost Fallacy
Imagine that you and your friend have booked a wake-boarding weekend in Waldsee for \(100\) Euros each.
Your friend approaches you after a couple of weeks and suggests you go for wake-boarding in Lautenbourg.
You happily agree, and you book for \(50\) Euros each.
You realize later that both bookings were for the same weekend!
Although you like Waldsee a lot, you are sure that you will enjoy more a weekend in Lautenbourg.
Where would you eventually choose to go?
Irrational Choices
Many behavioral economists in the 1980s contested that humans always make rational choices, as mainstream economic theory suggests.
Among the examples of irrational behavior was the Sunk Cost Fallacy.
Once time, money, or effort is invested in an act or a choice, humans tend to maintain their choices.
Economists started conducting experiments to examine if the last conjecture was true.
The Ski Trip
Assume that you have spent \($100\) on a ticket for a weekend ski trip to Michigan. Several weeks later you buy a \($50\) ticket for a weekend ski trip to Wisconsin. You think you will enjoy the Wisconsin ski trip more than the Michigan ski trip. As you are putting your just-purchased Wisconsin ski trip ticket in your wallet, you notice that the Michigan ski trip and the Wisconsin ski trip are for the same weekend! It’s too late to sell either ticket, and you cannot return either one. You must use one ticket and not the other. Which ski trip will you go on?
The marginal cost is the rate of change of the total production cost with respect to the output level. It shows how much total cost increases when the output is marginally increased. It is given by the cost function’s derivative, i.e., \(c'\).
Similarly, the marginal variable cost is the rate of change of the variable cost with respect to the output level. It shows how much the variable cost increases when the output is marginally increased. It is given by the derivative of the variable cost function, i.e., \(\mu'\).
Analogously, one can define the marginal fixed cost as the rate of change of the fixed cost with respect to the output level. Since fixed cost is constant, the marginal fixed cost is always zero.
Example: Calculating Costs
Calculate the costs:
Cost type
Cost expression
Total cost
\(c(q) = 3 + 2 q^{2}\)
Variable Cost
\(\mu(q) = 2 q^{2}\)
Fixed Cost
\(\sigma(q) = 3\)
Average Total Cost
\(\bar{c}(q) = \frac{3}{q} + 2 q\)
Average Variable Cost
\(\bar{\mu}(q) = 2 q\)
Average Fixed Cost
\(\bar{\sigma}(q) = \frac{3}{q}\)
Marginal Total Cost
\(c'(q) = 4 q\)
Marginal Variable Cost
\(\mu'(q) = 4 q\)
Marginal Fixed Cost
\(\sigma'(q) = 0\)
Minimizing Average Cost
The average total cost is initially decreasing because it is dominated by the average fixed cost.
Eventually, the average variable cost becomes the main driving force, and the average total cost becomes increasing.
The minimum average cost (i.e., the most economical production per unit!) is attained when the marginal cost intersects the average total cost.
Short-Run and Long-Run Costs
The firm might not be able to adjust all production factors in short periods of time.
E.g., some assets and properties are not always liquid.
Some costs can then be fixed in the short-run.
Short-run costs are greater than long-run costs (why?).
Working with the cost function has the advantage that cost can be expressed in terms of a single variable (production output). Irrespective of the number of input factors involved in the cost minimization problem, the cost function (if it exists) involves only output as a variable. This is illustrated in the following two examples.
Cost Functions Induced by Root Production Functions
Consider the cost minimization problem with a root production function
\min_{x} &\left\{ w_{0} + w x \right\} \\
s.t.\quad & q \le f(x) = x^{r} \quad\quad (0 < r <1) .
Its solution, namely the (total) cost function, is given by
c(q) = w_{0} + w q^{\frac{1}{r}}.
Having the cost function, one can calculate the remaining cost types as in the following table
Cost type
Cost expression
Total cost
\(c(q) = w_{0} + w q^{\frac{1}{r}}\)
Variable cost
\(\mu(q) = w q^{\frac{1}{r}}\)
Fixed cost
\(\sigma(q) = w_{0}\)
Average cost
\(\bar{c}(q) = \frac{w_{0}}{q} + w q^{\frac{1-r}{r}}\)
Average variable cost
\(\bar{\mu}(q) = w q^{\frac{1-r}{r}}\)
Average fixed cost
\(\bar{\sigma}(q) = \frac{w_{0}}{q}\)
Marginal cost
\(c_{q}(q) = \frac{w}{r} q^{\frac{1-r}{r}}\)
Marginal variable cost
\(\mu_{q}(q) = \frac{w}{r} q^{\frac{1-r}{r}}\)
Marginal fixed cost
\(\sigma_{q} = 0\)
Cost Functions Induced by Cobb-Douglas Production Functions
The cost minimization problem for a Cobb-Douglas production function is
The minimum average cost is attained at the output level for which the marginal cost equals the average cost. Namely
\[\min_{q} \bar{c}(q) = c'(\mathrm{arg\,min}_{q} \bar{c}(q))\]
If \(c\) is differentiable, we can show this result by setting the derivative of average cost equal to zero, i.e.,
Analogously, we can show that the minimum average variable cost is attained at the output level for which the marginal cost equals the average variable cost.
\[\min_{q} \bar{\mu}(q) = c'(\mathrm{arg\,min}_{q} \bar{\mu}(q)).\]
What happens if one production function, say \(x_{2}\), is fixed? It is common for many production settings that some factors cannot be flexibly adjusted in short periods. This results in a fixed cost component. Fixing the level of \(x_{2} = \hat{x}_{2}\), the minimization problem becomes
Using the \(\beta\), \(B\) notation, we observe that the production function essentially becomes a root function (\(f(x_{1}) = B x_{1}^{\beta}\)), and the resulting cost function is very similar to the cost function obtained by single variable, root production functions.
Cost folding
When all factors are allowed to vary, the cost is lower or equal than when at least one factor is fixed. Since \(x_{2}\) is chosen to minimize costs if it is allowed to vary, it must hold
If \(r<1\), then \(\bar{c}' >0\) and \(\bar{c}\) is increasing. If \(r>1\), then \(\bar{c}' <0\) and \(\bar{c}\) is decreasing. Finally, if \(r=1\), then \(\bar{c}' =0\) and \(\bar{c}\) is constant.
Arkes, Hal R., and Catherine Blumer. 1985. “The Psychology of Sunk Cost.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 35 (1): 124–40.
Sweis, Brian M., Samantha V. Abram, Brandy J. Schmidt, Kelsey D. Seeland, Angus W. MacDonald, Mark J. Thomas, and David A. Redish. 2018. “Sensitivity to ‘Sunk Costs’ in Mice, Rats, and Humans.” Science 361 (6398): 178–81.
Varian, Hal R. 2010. Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach. Eighth. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.